Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Darn you Lulu and D-Doll!
The rules: Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those who are tagged need to write on their own blog their own 7 random facts as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven other people and list their names on your blog. Then you leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog.

1. I am unable to read non-digital wha-ch-call analog clocks.

2. I have a mad passion for Pete Townshend, Hugh Grant, George Clooney and Jim Lehrer, or snugglebunny as I call him. And I am stupidly, dopily mad about T... and LL

3. I went to the American Academy of Dramatic Art for one scant year and got a D in acting. Diane Stevenson. Loathsome creature. Ya know those who can &tc. Karen Hensel and Carl Reggiardo were cool.

4. I studied political science in Oxford. And learned to love scotch eggs.

5. I'm terrified of singing auditions but I love to sing.

6. I cut my own hair.

7. I have 87 dolls.




Pete T


I'll think of more....

Friday, May 25, 2007

Dr. Darcy or The Gorgeous Gyno

So I go to my Dr.'s office for a check up and a small procedure, Lilo in tow. I usually see good ol' Doctor W who is GREAT, but today I am scheduled to see the new partner.
Now, ladies, we ALL know that the Gyn part of the OB/Gyn is uncomfortable and embarrasing at best, but imagine my horror when, as I am lying on the exam table wearing nought but a kleenex sized piece of paper, in sweeps a vision out of Jane Austin's fevered imagination.
Six foot two, dark wavy hair in abundance, soulful eyes, and wearing a verrrry nice Burburry tie.
Darcy, from Pride and Prejudice is now about to... poke and probe me in ways I am NOT going to enjoy.
The horror.

Boy, I bet THAT office is gonna get an upswell of new clients.

See you on the moors Dr. D!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Sweet Potatoes RULE!!!

EWWWW... sticky.
Lilo's first orange food.

T is getting ready to do a presentation of his music to SCR. It's so good... I'm excited to be participating. I'm going to be singing A LOT, and my darling T writes songs that are very rangy, so hopefully my pipes will hold up. We need to pitch a kiddie story... any suggestions? What story would you LOVE to see musicalized?

As for me... frankly I'm rawther unchallenged by life at the moment, except for the fun and joy of learning new music.

I've been scoping out places to buy... problem is, it's hard to know when to swoop on a bargain, especially in these days of falling real estate prices. I've been looking at the Villa Riviera.
Sigh... isn't it pretty!? But can we actually live there?
I SURE as HECK hope so!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

I just LOVED seeing D-doll and Boy and WGD at Yatsus' the other night. Lilo and I partied, he stayed up way too late and I received a scolding, but it was worth it to see one of the dearest families in the world.

I hope Y is OK and not smoked out of his house by the Griffith park fire. I can look out our window and see Catalina Isle. in flames. A California apocalypse, right NOW. Eerie.

My lovely Tia Tonia and her fam came to see me! So sweet to be connected to Colombia in the relative weirdness of Orange County. T and I are going to go in September, we hope.

Lilo is giggling at us madly. He must think we are so strange. He went swimming at the pool for the first time on Wednesday. He seemed to like it but got really sleepy in the sun.

I'm doing yoga and pilates and not losing an ounce. T laughed so hard the other day cause I said, "How much weight have I gained since we started our diet?" I WAS SERIOUS!!!